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Our business is about so much more than just software. We focus on things that help you engage, create processes, and improve your decision-making capacity at all levels.


2 min read

How to Run a Union Council Election Online

Unions have multiple responsibilities to their members. Among them is running one or more union council elections. These important elections decide...

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4 min read

Mastering Online Voting For Associations: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

We are all guaranteed the right to form associations under the first amendment and no matter which industry or common goal you are working towards,...

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union online voting system

2 min read

Can an Online Voting System Make Unionization Easier?

The Covid-19 pandemic and an ever-evolving digital media landscape forced creatives to adapt to new ways of work - primarily in remote or online-only...

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2 min read

How Online Organizing is a Game Changer for Unions

Online spaces have allowed unions more opportunities than ever to communicate and organize within their workplaces, both at local and national levels.

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union collective bargaining

3 min read

11 Things to Know About Collective Bargaining

Regardless of profession, workers have the right to negotiate for better conditions.

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union organizing cover

3 min read

The Unionization Process Explained: From Committee to Contract

Fairness, security, and better benefits are just some reasons why employees form a union.

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union management software

3 min read

What's the Best Union Management Software? Try These 5 Providers

Union management software streamlines union activity and communications for union members and officers. Effective union management software enables...

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union officer

3 min read

9 Tips For Union Officer Elections

What is a union officer election, and why are they necessary? A union officer election enables the selection of officers in accordance with federal...

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