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5 min read

How to Stand Out With a Candidate Statement

Whether you are running for student government, political office, academic roles, board of directors, or for a partner in a professional...

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2 min read

Run an Anonymous (Secret) Vote in Just 5 Easy Steps

Anonymous votes are perfect for times when you need to run a vote where who voted for what needs to remain secret. An online voting software helps...

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2 min read

The Key to Employee Retention: Involvement Over Investment

The True Cost of Employee Retention Efforts In today's competitive business environment, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to retain...

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shareholder meeting

2 min read

A Quick Guide to Shareholder Voting for Startups

Most successful startup owners don’t have the luxury of making fully independent decisions, whether it’s because they’re beholden to a board of...

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union collective bargaining

3 min read

11 Things to Know About Collective Bargaining

Regardless of profession, workers have the right to negotiate for better conditions.

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3 min read

How to Onboard Your New Association Members

There are many reasons why your association numbers might be dwindling: low engagement, lack of offerings, or lack of renewal interest are just a few...

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2 min read

Simplify Your Election With SSO

First things first. What exactly is SSO? SSO stands for Single Sign-On – a method of user authentication that allows a user to enter in a single set...

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4 min read

The Do's and Dont's of Association Elections

Successful elections rely on careful planning and flawless implementation. Not only must the election administrator set up the ballot correctly and...

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2 min read

3 Essential Aspects of Hosting a Virtual Shareholder Meeting

Meetings of shareholders are essential for effective corporate governance: It is through this meeting that the company’s ultimate stakeholders...

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4 min read

5 Tips For Collaborating Across Teams When You Have Different Goals

The choice to improve cross team collaboration at your company is a no-brainer. After all, uniting experts from a variety of teams and departments in...

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