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THE “AMC” of Voting

THE “AMC” of Voting

Placing your people front and center is key to growing a successful business. So, too, is the process of optimizing operations. That’s where association management companies enter the picture.

Known as “AMCs,” association management companies are hired by non-profits and member organizations of all description to bring operational efficiency at scale. By taking a for-profit approach to managing not-for-profit associations, AMCs help optimize operations in numerous ways. Duties can include, but are not limited to, administrative and financial management; strategic planning; membership development; public affairs and lobbying; education and professional development; statistical research; meetings management; and marketing and communication services. In short, AMCs provide specialized services and experts.

AMCs are frequently tasked with one additional, vital role: managing their clients’ voting events. That’s where we come in.

At eBallot we work with non-profits and member organizations around the globe. The one thing these groups have in common before working with us is a feeling of overwhelm when it comes to overseeing a major vote among members. Many organizations vote multiple times a year. Others require votes on a monthly basis.

There are a lot of moving parts to running an election. Many organizations believe this is beyond the scope of what they can do themselves. They turn to AMCs, or they turn to us.

We provide a secure voting platform and dedicated customer support staff. Our duty at eBallot is to ensure that the voting process is smooth and successful. Then, we help tabulate results accurately to ensure the veracity of every vote.

eBallot is a trusted non-profit partner. We have DIY for small membership voting events. Our customer experience team can assist and guide you to ensure your vote goes smoothly.

There are a lot of reasons to consider our services, but, let’s be frank -- we help AMCs like yours look good. Expand your AMC’s service by contacting us.


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