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How to Bring Online Voting to Outdoor Events and Festivals

How to Bring Online Voting to Outdoor Events and Festivals

Choose your next contest winner quickly and securely by partnering with a trusted online voting platform


Large outdoor events like The World Championship Steak Cook-Off in Magnolia, Arkansas or smaller events like The Seafood Cooking Contest in Rockland, Maine have one thing in common: they need a winner.


Find your winner with a digital voting partner

Winning these events not only garners brand accolades, but it also boosts brand recognition on a state, national, and even global scale. Smaller events may use paper ballots as a simple way to tally votes, but if you’re managing a food competition or a contest with thousands of dollars at stake, online voting through a trusted partner will ensure that all contestants get a fair shot at the prize.

Not only that, a digital voting solution is an integral part of ensuring a seamless selection of winners and is proven to ramp up interest and participation in your next event.


The benefits of an online voting system for food competitions and contests



Asking for participation via direct mail marketing will, perhaps, bring in a fair amount of attention. But setting up a landing page on your website with a link to vote and instructions will get even more eyes on your ballot.

Not to mention, our online voting system for food competitions and events features an optimized mobile platform, meaning that you’ll reach more voters where they’re likely to participate.

Couple this with our targeted email campaigns, and you’re well on your way to improving engagement and turnout.

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Paper ballots can be easily tampered with and don’t provide the same level of security and peace of mind as a digital voting solution.

A truly secure voting platform allows your voters to cast their votes only once, improving the accuracy of your contest results.

Our platform uses voter authentication and confirmation to ensure a fair voting process – from login to vote submission.


Quick Results

Due to the nature of your contest, it’s typical to need immediate results.

Online voting will enable you to see results in real-time, so your contestants aren’t left waiting in anticipation.

You’ll not only be able to see who won the award for Best Blackberry Pie or Best Seafood Gumbo, but you’ll also be able to download a full report to submit to the judges.

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Once you have your contestant roster, all it takes is adding them to the ballot and you're ready to go.

You can include a resume if the voters need to see personal qualifications, but a photo and a brief bio should suffice for most competitions.

Setting up a ballot for food competitions only takes a few minutes, and voters will be able to log in using a dedicated link and their individual credentials.

By using an online voting platform like eBallot, you’ll not only cut paper costs and waste, you’ll be able to efficiently and conveniently scale your competition to cater to even the largest crowds.


Have an outdoor event or competition coming up? Online voting isn’t just the best solution for cooking contests, it’s also the preferred way to vote for talent shows, sporting events, and award competitions.

See how it works here or contact our experienced team to get started on your competition’s ballots!

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