7 Steps to Hosting an Absentee Vote Online
Online voting offers many advantages for organizations and election managers who want an opportunity to gather input from as many voting-eligible...
2 min read
Katie McCaskey
Mar 11, 2020
“Two candidates castigate the bar for a variety of complaints, including perceived corruption, bloated bureaucracy and alleged misbehavior of bench officers.”
This juicy description describes a State Board of California election in the periodical, The California Bar Journal. The article goes on to briefly outline the fourteen candidates and their districts.
What’s notable is how the article opens. The election was a hybrid election:“for the first time [the California Bar Association] permits voters to cast ballots electronically or with a traditional mail-in ballot.” (emphasis added)
Election to a bar association is definitely prestigious and newsworthy. Elon University was pleased to publicize one of their graduates reaching the State Bar of North Carolina, for example.
More frequently, though, law firms elect Board of Governors to oversee policy making and manage operations. These nominations and elections are important for the law firm’s functioning and a nod of peer approval.
In just a few years it is all but ubiquitous that law firms use online voting. Board of Governors elections are some of the most regular voting events.
The rapid switch from paper ballots to online voting is easy to understand.
We recommend reviewing the best practices outlined in our law firm Board of Governors use case. Key points include:
Do you represent a law firm? A state law association? The size of your Board of Governors election doesn’t matter because eBallot scales to fit your needs.
Chances are your next election won’t be fraught with allegations of “corruption, bloated bureaucracy, or misbehavior.” Run your next election fairly and efficiently using eBallot software.
Online voting offers many advantages for organizations and election managers who want an opportunity to gather input from as many voting-eligible...
Successful elections rely on careful planning and flawless implementation. Not only must the election administrator set up the ballot correctly and...
Unions have multiple responsibilities to their members. A mong them is running one or more union council elections. These important elections...